Monday, March 5, 2012

Class Exercise 5: Text Hierarchy & Designing Layouts

Observe some examples of how text visualizes hierarchy. Look at text that has a recurring structure, such as a table of contents, a news aggregator, or a calendar of events. Analyze the structure of the content (main title, subtitles, time, location, body text, and so on).

Using the attached copy from the word document provided, review the structure of content. You will see that there are 4 categories of structure, display type (or main title), sub heads, sub head descriptions, and body text. Use changes in size, weight, leading, style, and column structure to distinguish the levels of the hierarchy. You may use only 1 type family but as many styles as you want. Good tutorial to read:

Design 2 variations of the page layout, each trimmed to 10''x10'' and mounted on white or black board.

In the first comp, KISS (keep it simple stupid).
  1. Define your text type, text size, and ledding for your type text. Learn how to create margins, create a baseline grid, and run text from one column to another. Use 3 columns.
  2. Define styles for each of the other categories of structure. Learn how to use styles and formatting in Indesign.
  3. Define how to visualize paragraphs. (ie., ledding, indents, etc.)
  4. Review all text type for type arrangements, ragged edges, widows, orphans, punctuation, etc.
For the next comp, use the same grids and ledding but consider other ways to create emphasis. Get more creative and unique using negative space, type sizes, styles, and color to design the layout. We will pin-up both final pieces for discussion on Thursday, March 8.

You will receive 2 grades for this exercise, one grade for each design presented. Keep in mind that presentation quality will be weighed into these grades. 
Example of 1st layout. KISS. Be meticulous about alignment, spacing, and consistent across hierarchy.

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