Saturday, January 28, 2012

Project 1 - Final Critique Deliverables

Thanks to everyone for a great pinup Thursday. Because we ran over time and I wasn’t able to formally talk you through Tuesday’s required deliverables, I thought it would be helpful to email a reminder to you.

For Tuesday, be prepared for your final project critique. Remember critique etiquette rules and get to class on time!
1.    3 boards, flush mounted on white or black illustration board, trim size 12’’ x 18’’
a.    Each board should have a b&w composition, color composition, and caption naming the piece – There is an example of layout in the project brief. Each square should be @ 8’’ x 8’’
2.    Process packets are due at the end of class. This should include
a.    25 initial sketches
b.    50 final sketches (that we pinned up Thursday)
c.    Color schemes
d.    Any other exercises, inspirations, etc. that helped you through your process of this projects
3.    At the end of critique we will head outside and take a look at the squares in front of the stairs, get measurements, etc. for Thursdays class

For Thursday,
1.    Completed stencil for class exercise
2.    Bring all required materials (white spray chalk, extra materials to fix stencils if they break unexpectedly)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Letterform Cropping - Composition Study Pinup

Designers were tasked to create unique and interesting shapes by hand rendering 50 letter compositions within 3''x3'' squares. They had to work with 5 typefaces including Garamond, Baskerville, Bodoni, Century, and Helvetica.

Designers include Kenneth Baldwin, Georgia Couch, Candace Drake, Chelsea Foster, Will Garcia, Dominic Harris, Jim Ivy-Sallie, Arkia Jahani, Ashley Jones, Darrian Jones, Alyssa Joseph, Ty Lee, German Monroy, Adam Peery, Nicolle Robleto, Nicole Senters, My Nuong Tran, and Megan Williams

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Class Exercise #2 - Scaling Type

  1. Understand form and proportions of type
  2. Understand type measurements and scaling
  3. Reinforce anatomy of type and vocabulary
  4. Familiarize yourself with one of the classic typefaces
Specs & materials
  1. grid paper
  2. pencils, sharpeners, erasers, etc.
  3. ruler (small size)
  4. money on panther card to print
  1. Using between 6-8 letters, type your name using one of the five classic typefaces introduced in class
    1. Garamond – Old Style
    2. Baskerville – Transitional
    3. Bodoni / Didot – Modern
    4. Century Expanded / Century – Egyptian
    5. Helvetica / Gill Sans / Futura – Sans Serif
  2. Open Indesign
  3. Create new document with
    number of pages = 1,
    page size = letter, landscape orientation
  4. Set type in 72pt, create outlines and then center on page
  5. Check with me if you are unsure about typeface, style, size, etc.
  6. Print out document
  7. Recreate your name on your grid paper at 144pt with pencil (this is 2x its original size)
    Try redrawing your original 72 pt type on the grid so that you can see how it fits into grid and then redraw at double proportions…
  8. Identify type anatomy in the letters of your name. Refer to this link for help:
Pin up pencil drawings for discussion at 5pm. Submit work at the end of class.