Thursday, February 9, 2012

Class Exercise - Basic Type Setting

Purpose To introduce common ways of arranging type on a page and to understand how that decision affects typographic communication.

• To work in InDesign
• To use type measurement principals and notations

Using the specifications below, set the copy for the five classic typefaces (found in the text document, proj1_text.doc).

Set your document to 10 x 10 inches.

1. Garamond: Justified.
Comp the word “Garamond” twice:
Once in 72-point Garamond display: U/lc.
Once in 72-point Garamond display: all caps
Set solid, 72 points baseline to baseline.
Flush left, rag right.
Comp Garamond text:
11/14 by 13 picas: justified.
Allow 72 points from baseline of display type to the baseline of first line of text.

2. Baskerville: Flush Left, Rag Right.
Comp the word “Baskerville” twice:
Once in 72-point Baskerville display: U/lc.
Once in 72-point Baskerville display: all caps
Set solid, 72 points baseline to baseline.
Flush left, rag right.
Comp Baskerville text:
11/13 by 20 picas: flush left, rag right.
Allow 72 points from baseline of display type to the baseline of first line of text.
Set as two paragraphs with one line between.

3. Bodoni: Flush Right, Rag Left.
Comp the word “Bodoni” twice:
Once in 72-point Bodoni display: U/lc.
Once in 72-point Bodoni display: all caps
Set solid, 72 points baseline to baseline.
Flush right, ragged left.
Comp Bodoni text:
12/16 by 18 picas: flush right, rag left.
Allow 72 points from baseline of display type to the baseline of first line of text.
Note: If you do not have Bodoni, use the Didot typeface instead.

4. Century Expanded: Centered.
Comp the word “Century” twice:
Once in 72-point Century display: U/lc.
Once in 72-point Century display: all caps
Set solid, 72 points baseline to baseline.
Display type should be centered.
Comp Century text: 10/16 centered by 24 picas maximum.
Allow 72 points from baseline of display type to the baseline of first line of text.
Note: If you do not have Century Expanded, use the Century typeface instead.

5. Helvetica: Random.
The display word “Helvetica” can be comped in any size and combination of upper and lowercase, roman or italic, extended or condensed, light or bold, etc. The Helvetica text can also be in any text size and leading, but the arrangement must be random, not justified; flush left, rag right; flush right, rag left; or centered. Type does not necessarily have to be in a single block but can be in multiple groupings.

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